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Apply for your
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)


An LEI is an internationally verified, G20-endorsed unique identity code. The LEI is rapidly becoming a key identifier in the global financial ecosystem. 

LEIs are mandatory for any entity looking to trade in financial transactions. 

Now get your LEIs in hours, not days. 

Who needs an LEI?

Any legal entity engaging in financial transactions or operating in today’s global financial ecosystem must have an LEI. It includes:

 ✔ Financial intermediaries (CSDs)

 Banks, investment companies, and lenders

 Trade OTC derivatives (except private individuals)

✔ SMSF (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) traders and trustees ​

✔ Investment Vehicles, mutual funds, hedge funds

✔ Pension schemes

✔ Commodities trading

✔ CFDs (Contract for Differences)  

✔ Securities transactions, SFTR reporting  

​✔ Entities listed on a stock exchange

Why LEI is required?


The lack of transparency during the global financial crisis became a problem for financial institutions.

To prevent this from happening again, the G20 established the LEI system.

The primary goal is to simplify, standardize, and facilitate the identification of any legal entity globally.

1. What is an LEI number

2. LEI code structure

3. Who issues LEIs?

4. How to obtain an LEI?

5. LEI search

6. LEI Renewal 

LEI application form

If you have any problems or questions about generating your LEI number, please get in touch with us.

Send your queries to, and we will respond back as soon as possible. 


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