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The History and Future of Safe Haven Currencies
Safe haven currencies are the backstop assets of the financial system: where investors turn when all else is falling. They are the stores...
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Raise and Deploy Team
5 min read
Raise against the machine: How AI will augment investor instincts
Over the past two decades more and more investing decisions have been made, in part, by machines. With the newest generation of AI-tools...

Raise and Deploy Team
4 min read
Can Lula’s gold rush go the distance?
In his first two terms in office, Lula da Silva performed something close to an economic magic trick. Growth rose from 1.9% to 5.2%, and...

Matheus Zani
6 min read
Expandindo seus negócios no exterior? Como o risco cambial pode afetar você?
Como uma estratégia de hedge pode permitir que uma empresa entre em novos mercados com confiança, expanda suas operações globais, assim...

Matheus Zani
2 min read
Eliminating FX inefficiencies in credit facilities for emerging market mid-size companies
There has been substantial growth in direct lending deals across North America and LatAm in the last few years. Traditional banks'...
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