Request a Demo | FX Hedging and Payments
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Raise More. Invest Anywhere. Expand Overseas. FX. Simplified.


Whether you're a fund manager, institutional investor or international company schedule a demo today to learn how Deaglo can help streamline the way you manage the FX risk on your cross-border transactions.


Stabilize Volatility


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Boost Returns


Attract Foreign Investors

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© 2024 Deaglo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Deaglo Inc. is a company registered in the United States (registered no. 88-2693379). 1078, Summit Ave. PMB 837, Jersey City, NJ 07307.


Deaglo, Inc. (“Deaglo”) is a registered Commodity Trading Advisor with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and a Member of the National Futures Association (NFA). Deaglo’s CTA registration is effective according to an exemption that limits clients to those who are Qualified Eligible Persons as defined in CFTC Regulation 4.7.


Futures, options, FX, and swaps trading involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all clients. Therefore, clients should carefully consider their financial condition before deciding whether to invest and transact in these markets. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS. 


This material should only be considered current as of the date indicated on each page of data without regard to the date on which you may access the information. Deaglo maintains the right to delete or modify information without prior written notice.

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